The Atavism

Monday, July 9, 2007

What Judgement would step from this to this?

Last week I was here

Today I am here

I am back from a wildly successful field trip with the long downhill slide of measuring, dissecting and stealing DNA from the corpses of the samples I collected over the last month. I am utterly unable to briefly sum up the experience and whenever I am asked to I acquire a glazed expression and breathlessly inform people that “you can get on a plane and go to sleep and when you woke up you’re in a whole other country where the climate is completely different and the forests are made of different trees and everyone rides scooters and uses triangular money.” You can expect some ‘travel blogging’ of about that quality here over the next few weeks coupled with some hopefully more interesting pictures of the Cook Islands and a few of the bugs and critters that call those islands home. And there might be some science too if you really want.

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Posted by David Winter 12:54 PM


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