The Atavism

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Proceedings of the 44th Carnival of Evolution

A little disclaimer to those of you coming to this cold (thanks for the link PZ!), this is the latest edition of the "Carnival of Evolution" -  a monthly collection of evolutionary writing from around the web. The conference-like layout is my little conceit in presenting the posts - sadly there won't be a real meeting (though it would sure be a good one!). Subscribe to the CoE blog to hear when the next carnival is posted.

Welcome to the 44th monthly meeting of the Society for the Blogging of Evolution. As you can see below, we had a large number of submissions this month and, in order to have only a single track of talks and get people to the banquet with sufficient energy to enjoy themselves, some submissions have been included in a poster session following the last of the talks. Submissions were grouped purely on their subject material, and a submission included in the poster-session shouldn't be viewed as inferior to any featured as a talk.

I hope you enjoy a day's worth of reading, and remind you that a host is still required for next month's meeting. Sign up with Bjørn (bjorn[at] if you are interesting in helping out.

Session 1. Symposium on the evolution of  novelty

John Wilkins (Evolving ThoughtsNotes on Novelty 8: Conclusion? Post evo-devo
Anne Buchanan (The Mermaid's TaleSpontaneous combustion! How life began, how life begins.... Part I.
Arvind Pillai (Fins to Feet) Coming of the Amniotes
Bradly Alicea (Synthetic Daisies) The Evolution and Neuromechanics of very-fast movements
Duncan Wright (Self-Writing Mechanism) On the Origin of Anxiety
Anne Buchanan (The Mermaid's Tale) That's disgusting! Make up your own Just-So story about the evolution of an emotion
Carl Zimmer (The Loom) Resurrecting Evolution to Solve an 800-Million-Year-Old Puzzle.

Session 2. Evolutionary ecology and life history evolution   

 Eric M. Johnson (The Primate Diaries): The Case of the Missing Polygamists
Danielle Whittaker (BeaconHow the Cricket lost its song.
Zen Faulkes (NeurodojoThe Scientists are coming, Run!
Aaron Wagner (Beacon) Studying the evolution of sociality with real and digital hyenas.
Colin Beale (Safari Ecology) Life spans of tropical birds

Session 3. Philosophy and evolution

Joachim (Mousetrap) Scientific paradoxes: Quine's remedy + Priest's independent reason"
Zen Faulkes (NeurodojoHidden potential, and the concept of syngeny.
John Wilkins (Evolving Thoughts). The difference between population concepts and 'population thinking'
Adam M. Goldstein (The Shifting Balance of FactorsOntology Talk at New York Botanical Garden
Adam M. Goldstein (The Shifting Balance of FactorsNatural selection for near-death experience

Session 4a. Experimental Evolution

S. E. Gould (Lab Rat @ Scientific American)  Discrete steps to antibiotic resistance.
Ford Denison (This week in Evolution) Experimental evolution of multicellularity: the movies
Hird (Nothing in biology makes sense!) "Let's stay together” - Al Green

Session 4b. Timing and tempo of evolution

Jeremy Yoder (Denim and Tweed) Baby steps versus long jumps: The "size" of evolutionary change, and why it matters.
Martin Turcott(Eco-Evo Evo-Eco) Why should we care about rapid evolution?
Paul McBride (Still Monkeys). Cornelius Hunter and the molecular clock.
Zen Faulkes (NeurodojoOnce more into the cave
Bjørn Østman (Pleiotropy) What determines rates of ecological speciation

Session 5. Outreach and anti-creationism

Rosangela Canino-Koning (BeaconProfessional Scientist, Amateur Ambassador .
Supriya Khedkar (Grey Matter Updates..... , ,,,,, ;: ::::: !
The Lorax (Angry By Choice). Creation thinking impedes understanding.
Bjørn Østman (PleiotropyBehe on Behe, and Behe on Evolution

Poster session 

Ryan Kitko (Cunabulum) The peculiar modification of the locket trigger plants.
Susan Elvidge (Genome engineeringExtinct isn't always extinct - the giant tortoise still lives
Noah Matton (Nothing in biology makes sense!). Mass Extinctions: Did ancient humans get the party started 30,000 years ago
Zen Faulkes (NeurodojoMales have bigger brains than females, if those males are sticklebacks from Iceland.
Scott Lee (Scott Free Thinking) IGF-1 and Animal Protein? Does Eating Meat Cause Cancer?.
Øystein Horgmo (The Sterile EyeBlue Blood Donors of the Sea

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Posted by David Winter 5:23 PM


Details on the banquet, please.
Hopefully there will be fermented products available at the Poster session...You know what, Ill just get one know while I peruse the posters.
Anyone have an extra drink ticket? Anyone?
Please keep us posted!
Information Dissemination Fail - the link to the "Society for the Blogging of Evolution" links straight back to this page. Where does one find out where this is at or even a date. You should really have a little more info, especially if PZ is sending hundreds of thousands your way.
I love the conceit of making the carnival look like a conference programme, David. Very nice!
I love the conceit of making the carnival look like a conference programme, David. Very nice!
Thanks for links guys, and yes, I definately suggest a product of a certain Saccharomyces hybrid while reading the posters.

I've added a little disclaimer for those of your reading a CoE for the first time...
Looks fantastic - I've linked back to it at
For the masses:

CoE on Facebook.

CoE on Twitter.

CoE blog.
Oh, and here's where you go to submit posts to CoE: BlogCarnival (click on 'submit an article').
Please note that the blog post attributed to me is actually written by Martin Turcott; I merely submitted it to the Carnival. I will, accordingly, give Martin my drink ticket.
Thanks for the reminder Ben - but I think submitting the talk and sorting out the credit is more than enough to earn your own drink tickets!
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